Saving a class to aJSON file is not a trivial task, because classes are not
your typical object to save into a JSON file.
Lets jump right into the code and write the method for exporting the
results to a JSON file as a dictionary.
def write_resutls_to_json(filename, rows)
with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(rows, outfile)
Now if your run the code and arrive at the export method call, you will get
and error like this one.
"TypeError: Object of type 'Product' is not a JSON serializable."
the message tells you everything: an instace of the Product class is
not serializable. To overcome this little obstacle, let's use a trick:
def write_results_to_json(filename, rows):
with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(list(map(lambda p: p.__dict__, rows)), outfile)
Aaaaaand thats all.